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Success for the Fawley Class of 2022

The 18 have successfully completed the programme, learning the basic skills required to set them on the path to a career in the field of engineering.
Eight have been offered full-time jobs in departments across the ExxonMobil Fawley complex, joining the vital maintenance teams which ensure the smooth day to day running of the plant.
The eight new members of staff are Olly Adlam; Fin Meech; Helena O’Connor; Ollie Dodds; Sam Besant; Dylan Hutton; Matthew Scrase and Cameron Asciak who are all from the Southampton area.
Two from the class have taken up employment as embedded contractors, working closely with the ExxonMobil team, while another five have secured jobs with Fawley site contractors, Altrad, Enerveo and BIS.
Helena O’Connor (23), who has joined the analysers section, said: “I initially worked in a lab after leaving school but I wanted something that would challenge me more, which is why I took up the apprenticeship.
“I really enjoyed it because I love working hands-on and learning new things and I’m looking forward to taking on more responsibility, looking after my given unit and continuing to learn.”
Ollie Dodds (21), a new recruit to the metals section, added: “I was at college studying IT and soon realised it was not the future I wanted to pursue. I found out about the apprentice scheme through friends who had done it before me and I thought I would give it a go.
“The apprenticeship is very hands-on and you are constantly learning new and useful things while working on and offsite. I was thrilled when I found out I had been offered a job at the end of the apprenticeship and I can’t wait for my future within Exxon Mobil.”
Ben Walters, ExxonMobil Fawley’s Apprenticeship Field Supervisor, said: “We are delighted to have been able to offer jobs to eight of the former apprentices to fill vacancies in the metals, machinery, electrical, instrumentation and analysers departments.
“Others have taken jobs on site with some of the contractors we work with on a daily basis and those who haven’t been offered jobs at Fawley have been given a great start with the best possible training to help them find other jobs.”