Political advocacy

ExxonMobil continues to support policies that promote stable investment climates for long-term business viability.
The corporation refrains from making political contributions in any nation other than the United States and Canada. Information about our Political Activities Policy and Guidelines is available.
Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling: ExxonMobil supports the global use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing — safe and successful technologies that have been used for decades — to enable energy development. With the combination of these technologies, energy security is enhanced through a significant increase in oil and gas production.

Tax policy: ExxonMobil supports stable tax policies that enable the energy industry to remain competitive in the global marketplace. Energy development benefits the economy, and sound tax policy is needed to encourage investment, job creation and productivity through strong industries.

International trade: ExxonMobil supports free trade policies for all products, including energy products such as oil and natural gas. Robust trade policies benefit consumers and encourage more investment, sustain high-paying jobs and foster economic growth.

Education: Improving educational performance is vital to the success of our industry and to global competitiveness. We support sensible, forward-looking efforts to raise academic standards and help teachers and students. We support science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education initiatives as part of a path to competitiveness. In light of the importance and implications of sound public policies, ExxonMobil will continue to engage actively with stakeholders who have an interest in key issues that affect the company and industry.

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We appreciate the need for relevant public and private company government payment disclosures to confirm the values of total government revenues and to help citizens hold their governments accountable for the use of those revenues. 

Political contributions and lobbying

ExxonMobil believes that registering and voting, keeping informed on political matters, serving in civic bodies and campaigning and office-holding at local, state and national levels are important rights and responsibilities of the citizens of a democracy.