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Staying well in times of change

There were three sessions that took place in total via Zoom with over 400 attendees joining from sites across the UK. The talk looked at organisation change and explored issues around managing stress in the workplace, with a focus on identification and early intervention. It was guided by the MOH document “Staying Physically & Mentally Well During Times of Change” written by Dr Mark Jacklin, UK MOH Manager.
Promoting emotional resilience and mental health remains a pertinent topic in both the UK and overseas, with a number of initiatives and health promotion programmes being highlighted in both the media and also within ExxonMobil, as part of the Culture of Health Programme. Tips and hints to help people whilst working from home were also covered in the presentation which was well received by those in attendance.
Remember, if you need help, you can reach out to your supervisor or our Employee Assistance Programme, which is available 24/7 via AXA HEALTH.
Feedback from the event:
“Thank you so very much for today’s session, it has brought home to myself that I am not in a good place and “I am not ok” with COVID, work changes and having moved house. It was very poignant and in some respects good fortune as I have been able to chat with my own supervisor … as it said “it’s ok to ask for help” – Site Supervisor
“I just wanted to thank you for this talk, it was absolutely brilliant. My colleagues have all been talking about it after, commenting on how real and honest it was and how well delivered it was. It is truly vital right now and I think it has been even more well received than expected” - Upstream Analyst
“Firstly thanks for organising and pulling together the session. Really great session and massively attended. Second, could you please share with me the material and presentation, as there were a couple of bits I want like to share with my team in our next monthly safety meeting” - SSHE Lead
“Good meeting yesterday ….. and what a turn out. It just goes to show how many people are focussing on this area – Senior Project Lead, Manufacturing “Thank you so much for doing this … I have struggled and colleagues have expressed the same … we are relatively new to the organisation and have felt isolated and left out … not listened to really and it has been difficult … today I felt more reassured, but still worried about the attitude of some supervisor when we express our concerns with our workload, work, COVID and getting things done” – Graduate Engineer