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Catch up with the news between Newslines

If you are keen to keep up to speed with the latest ExxonMobil developments in the UK, then please follow our new UK LinkedIn feed.
Primed with all our latest news in the UK, as well as corporate developments in the US and beyond that have relevance for our future, the new LinkedIn site is a great way to stay informed.
We also draw attention to new opinion pieces from key UK personnel on the latest energy challenges and opportunities we face.
Almost all our posts contain links so you can easily find out more about the topics covered.
If you are already a LinkedIn member, all you need do is click on the UK LinkedIn feed and then click Follow.
If you are not already a LinkedIn member, you will be invited to register. Once that is complete, please click on the UK LinkedIn feed and then click Follow.
Other ExxonMobil LinkedIn feeds that might be of interest: