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South Hook LNG Terminal welcomes 1000th vessel
South Hook LNG Terminal in Wales has recently welcomed its 1000th vessel to safely discharge at the Terminal. The tanker, named Mozah is one of the largest LNG carriers in the world. It berthed at South Hook in early October.
South Hook LNG is a receiving and regasification terminal where liquid natural gas is pumped ashore into double walled, insulated tanks, where it is stored at approximately minus 160 degrees centigrade until being regasified.
Having processed almost 100 million tonnes of LNG since operations began in 2009, South Hook plays a vital role in the resilience of UK energy supplies. It has a total processing capacity of 15.6 million tonnes per annum, which is equivalent to around 20% of the current UK natural gas demand. ExxonMobil is a 24.15% shareholder in the terminal, alongside major shareholder QatarEnergy and TotalEnergies.
A small gathering of local stakeholders was held to mark the occasion.