
We have 12 retirements to report in this issue.

Richard Henderson, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), 35 Years' Service

Jeffrey Henderson, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 25 Years' Service

David Hughes, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 13 Years' Service

Hazel Johnston, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), 23 Years' Service

Sarah Leeson, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 32 Years' Service

Anthony Mayhew, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 32 Years' Service

Mark McLeish, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 31 Years' Service

Laurence Morgan, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 37 Years' Service

David O’Reilly, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 30 Years' Service

Colin Reidford, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 17 Years' Service

Trevor Swift, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, 14 Years' Service

Munro Trunley, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), 29 Years' Service