Emergency response
In this article
Emergency preparedness and response
Approximately 200 dedicated responders undergo ongoing and thorough training to ensure a world-class emergency response. In addition, our response teams work closely with Hampshire Emergency Planning and the services to safeguard, our employees, contractors, neighbours, environment and facilities. Fawley’s emergency response teams routinely take part in training and simulated scenarios to ensure the most appropriate preparation and coordination.
COMAH Shelter-in-place: What you need to know in the event of an emergency at Fawley
Fawley is a Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH) site. There are simple, but vital steps that you need to take in the event of an incident at Fawley and the COMAH alarm sounding. Take a look at the Safety Information documents below for more.
Safety Information Letter
Safety Information Letter (Audio Version)
Safety Information and Emergency Instructions for the Community
Emergency Instructions Card
Emergency Instructions Card (Audio Version)
Safety information packs - Distribution areas
The safety information packs are distributed to the following areas. Please click on each area to understand what streets are included within the distribution.
Annual COMAH alarm testing
The COMAH alarm is tested on the first Tuesday in October each year at 2.30pm and 7.00pm. Notifications of the alarm test are placed in local and social media.
The COMAH alarm has never been sounded in earnest in 70 years of operations. Play the videos below to understand the sound of the COMAH alarm siren and the all clear siren.
COMAH Alarm Siren
COMAH All Clear Siren