selected item
In Memoriam

Cyril Adams, 82, Controllers (10 years)
Wilfred Adams, 90, Mobil Court (15 years)
David William George Adams, 86, Coryton (18 years)
Thomas Ahern, 83, 8281 Libya (9 years)
Viktor Roman Alexander, 68, Production Dept (10 years)
Michael Lionel Allen, 86, Mobil House (34 years)
Mark Andrews, 64, Newport (42 years)
Leslie Archer, 91, Hythe Terminal (30 years)
James Reginald Argent, 77, Hythe (21 years)
Neil Arthur Martin Austwick, 77, Lagos, Nigeria (19 years)
Christopher Bailey, 67, Fawley (31 years)
Audrey Bailey, 89, Typing Services (9 years)
Graham Barker, 94, (3 years)
Herbert Barks, 99, Fawley (25 years)
Henry William Barnes, 80, Fawley (22 years)
Joseph Michael Barton, 90, Killingholme (8 years)
John Beattie, 92, Fawley Refinery (36 years)
David Belson, 87, Inter Sales Mgmt (26 years)
Alan Bendle, 84, General Business Line (29 years)
Edward Bermingham, 73, L&SP (14 years)
Edward Bermingham, 74, Farnborough (5 years)
Lambton Thomas Winship Bewick, 89, Coryton Refinery (19 years)
Archibald Binning, 96, Regional (35 years)
Adrian Alfred Bird, 78, Coryton (22 years)
Dennis Edward Blackmore, 75
Michael James Boase, 77, Mobil Court (38 years)
Ivan Bolwell, 87, Fawley Refinery (22 years)
Terance Boreham, 77, (10 years)
Sharon Adele Boydell, 70, Plans & Programs (10 years)
Clive Bransbury, 84, Esso Europe Inc (24 years)
Colin Brown, 81, Transportation Dept
Frank Ernest Gordon Brown, 80, Admin Chichester
Robert Burton, 91, Saltend Terminal (17 years)
Alan Anthony Byrne, 78, Chichester (28 years)
Edward Carr, 84, Eci Mats - Tungstall (35 years)
Phillip Carrolan, 90, Birmingham Terminal (19 years)
Aiden Carroll, 91, Fawley Refinery (31 years)
Kenneth Challis, 82, Ipswich Bulk Plant (15 years)
Michael Champion, 62, Mobil Shift (12 years)
Kenneth Thomas Chapman, 67, Esso (21 years)
Peter Childs, 82, Gilbarco Ltd (10 years)
John Clemmens, 86, Libya (4 years)
Arleen Coffey, 80, Research Centre (20 years)
Michael John Comer, 81
David Comley, 85, Field Based (25 years)
William Saville Crossley, 88, Mobil Court (38 years)
Norma Cruickshank, 88, Dart Oil (16 years)
Philip John Richard Curphey, 72, Birkenhead (14 years)
Kenneth Cuttill, 80, Nottingham Terminal (26 years)
Thomas Daniels, 84, West London (24 years)
Kenneth F Daniels, 81
Roland Lindsay Dannan, 78, Plymouth (31 years)
Frances Anne Davies, 77, Birmingham (6 years)
Robert Crowe Davis, 70, (34 years)
Patrick Maurice Dunhue, 71
Roy Alan Durant, 85, Coryton Terminal (35 years)
Richard Eaton, 87, Nottingham Terminal (30 years)
Michael Edwards, 85, Birmingham Terminal (21 years)
Keith Edwards, 78, West London Terminal (12 years)
Benjamin Eggleston, 88, Mobil House (13 years)
Ernest Elliott, 92, London Airport (26 years)
Keith Fletcher Emsall, 83, Mobil House (32 years)
John Richard Enston, 77, (39 years)
Hamish Ewing, 77, Ecse (38 years)
Thomas Henry Facey, 84, Coryton Refinery (23 years)
Geoffrey Felstead, 77, Fawley (17 years)
Leslie Finch, 91, Esso Chemical (25 years)
Derek Forster, 89, West London Terminal (13 years)
Michael Fraser, 82, (35 years)
Brian Fuller, 83, Erca (16 years)
Patrick Gallagher, 87, Manchester Terminal (15 years)
Christopher Gannaway, 91, Fawley Refinery ( years)
Peter Giles, 83, Abingdon (28 years)
Edward Giles, 80, Coryton (29 years)
Peter David Goldsworthy, 58, Coryton (12 years)
Alfred Goodridge, 89, Gilbarco (102 years)
John Gower, 83, (30 years)
Brian Green, 85, West London Terminal (19 years)
Nelson Stanley Green, 85, Coryton Refinery (12 years)
Anthony Greenwood, 80
George Gregory, 95, Exxon Chemical Op (35 years)
John Gribbin, 84, Industrial Fuels (32 years)
Marita Grice, 89, Mobil Court (31 years)
John Gordon Guild, 90, Coryton (31 years)
Dennis Edward Hackett, 78
Anthony Norman Haigh, 88, (17 years)
Keith Hanson, 88, Libya (8 years)
Roger William Harvey, 78, Chichester
John David Hatwell, 80, Coryton (21 years)
Leslie Hawking, 92, Treasures (19 years)
John Hayes, 87, Immingham Terminal (34 years)
Edward Haysler, 95, Field Engineers (27 years)
John Hayward, 76, Cardiff Bp (8 years)
Catherine Naomi Hazelden, 74, Esso Europe (1 years)
Nicholas Frederick Hedges, 64, (28 years)
Janet Hellyar, 66, Ecl (19 years)
P D Hemingway, 82, (7 years)
Terence William Hemmings, 74, (7 years)
Philip Henning, 88, Purfleet Terminal (31 years)
James Henry, 81, (31 years)
Robert John Higgins, 77, Kingsbury (21 years)
David Roy Hill, 76, (37 years)
John Histed, 90, West London Terminal (29 years)
George Campbell Holyhead, 83
David House, 90, Fawley Refinery (35 years)
Lawrence Howland, 84, Fawley Refinery (33 years)
Helga Maria Hughes, 79, Mobil Court (27 years)
Terence Humphreys, 82, Nottingham 2416 (22 years)
Reginald Hunt, 92, Esso Heat (8 years)
William Hunter, 79, Shipping (29 years)
Alexander Robert Ingarfield, 80, Essoheat (4 years)
Stephen Harry Irving, 74, (21 years)
Francis Sydney Jackson, 93, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd (35 years)
Peter Jay, 83, West London Terminal (23 years)
Reginald Johnson, 98, Hythe Terminal (29 years)
Melville Jones, 97, Milford Haven Projects (35 years)
Glenys Jones, 94, Milford Haven Refin. (23 years)
Kenneth Kemp, 89, Leeds Bulk Plant (29 years)
Robert Kent, 88, Kingston (27 years)
John Frank Kent, 83, Comms/Computer Service (18 years)
John Robert Kerr, 91, Sunderland (36 years)
George Kinchington, 77, Fawley (28 years)
Ba King, 76, (13 years)
Graham Knott, 86, Dover Bulk Plant (15 years)
Malcolm Peter Know, 93, Coryton Refinery (22 years)
William Andrew Lamey, 74, Chemicals (3 years)
Daphne Lee, 84, Straton Street (10 years)
Julie Ann Lewis, 72, Production (0 years)
Douglas Leys, 85, Pet Marine (16 years)
John Lloyd, 80, Mobil Court (28 years)
Michael Lorrison, 84, Erca (15 years)
Philip Lovett, 85, West London Terminal (16 years)
Alfred Edward Lowrey, 91, Coryton (33 years)
Timothy Mansell, 91, Butterworths (15 years)
Philomeno Sheila Sandra Mansfield, 86
Douglas Baker Marshall, 62
Charles George Samuel Marshall, 90, Hythe Terminal (29 years)
Arthur Mason, 88, Transport Dept (10 years)
Robert Masson, 67, Sage Plant (26 years)
Ian McBain, 85, Supply Department (30 years)
John McGrath, 82, Head Office (7 years)
John McParland, 85, Transportation Dept (24 years)
Brian Mercer, 87, (9 years)
Glenn Miles, 70, (33 years)
Patrick Monaghan, 81, Bowling Terminal (26 years)
Ross Hamilton Moore, 62, (35 years)
Nancy Joyce Moore, 92
Ronald Morgan, 87, Coryton (15 years)
Patrick Joseph Murray, 86, Coryton (15 years)
Albert Needham, 91, Fawley Refinery (35 years)
Derek George Francis Nevard, 84, Sevenoaks (44 years)
Samuel Nicolson, 97, Milford Haven Refinery (33 years)
Bernard Nolan, 88, North Region (36 years)
John Nunns, 87, Fawley (30 years)
David Oconnor, 91, Purfleet (306 years)
Anthony Page, 85, Wholesale Lubricants (26 years)
Leonard William Palmer, 84, Mobil Court (27 years)
Peter Parsons, 88, West Region-Retail (26 years)
Keith Pashley, 90, Leeds Bulk Plant (29 years)
David Alan Peacock, 81
Jeremy Pearson, 77, Esso (16 years)
Terence Pembroke, 92, Gilbarco (2 years)
Gillian Elizabeth Blanche Penfold, 91, Mobil Europe (11 years)
George Donald Perry, 70, Coryton Terminal (17 years)
Ivan Pickering, 85, Fawley (27 years)
Clarence Port, 92, Research Dept (27 years)
Victor Cyril Porteous, 84, Abingdon (22 years)
George Pownall, 92, Manchester Terminal (34 years)
Brian Quinn, 83, Manchester Terminal (31 years)
John Lyndon Radford, 78, (30 years)
Raymond Readhead, 95, Fawley Refinery (44 years)
Kenneth Reed, 91, Exxon Chem Overseas (22 years)
Sikandar Rehmatullah, 77, Coryton (9 years)
John Reid, 88, Carlisle Bulk Plant (20 years)
George Reilly, 76, Aberdeen (17 years)
Colin Reynolds, 90, Milford Haven Refinery (20 years)
Leslie Roberts, 91, Gilbarco Limited (31 years)
Anthony Robinson, 77, Fawley Refinery (21 years)
Barbara Jean Rodgers, 76, (27 years)
David Rutherford, 95, Glasgow Retail North (35 years)
R J Santry, 74, (17 years)
Brian Saunders, 85, Controllers (28 years)
Anthony Saunders, 90, Research Dept (13 years)
Ronald Scotwick, 95, Transportation Dept (11 years)
Michael Sellars, 75, Fleet Personnel (31 years)
William Drayton Shardlow, 80, Moor House (18 years)
Reginald Shepherd, 85
Eric Warren Singleton, 96, Oxford (31 years)
Harold Skinner, 91, Hythe Terminal (25 years)
Clarence Smith, 89, Esso Europe 8001 (33 years)
Audrey Florence Mary Smith, 90, Haidstone (9 years)
Christine Elaine Smith, 72, Esso Europe (30 years)
Anthony Smyth, 78
Jeremy Charles Soyer, 75, Leatherhead (36 years)
Colin Charles Stratford, 84, (21 years)
Derek John Swaisland, 75, (25 years)
Bryan Taylor, 88, Corporate Mktg Manag (28 years)
John Thomas, 92, Abingdon (27 years)
Paul Thornberry, 70, Milford Haven (6 years)
Andrew Thorne, 88, Midland Region (13 years)
S Totten, 82
William Trafford, 89, Libya (16 years)
Peter Turk, 89, Fawley (37 years)
Charles Upham, 82, Birkenhead (24 years)
Albert Vale, 83
Edward Veacock, 82, Esso 8281 Libya (7 years)
Philip Vickery, 90, Fawley (31 years)
William G Wade, 75, (12 years)
Robert Ward, 94, Cambridge (14 years)
Edward Waterman, 86, Fawley Refinery (27 years)
Graham Cecil Barton Weir, 93, Mobil House (30 years)
Howard Thomas Wellings, 74, (18 years)
David Whatley, 82, ( years)
Andrew Whitfield, 57, Fleet Personnel (13 years)
Dennis Whiting, 91, Research Dept (41 years)
Brian Whittam, 91, Field Engineers (HQ) (29 years)
Bernard Wick, 74, Corporate Services (10 years)
Derek Wilkins, 93, Victoria St (36 years)
Donald Williams, 89, Fawley (26 years)
Peter Williamson, 78, Coryton Refinery (32 years)
Linda Anne Wilson, 76, Esso Europe Inc. (9 years)
Geoffrey Wilson, 93, Esso Asia Services (9 years)
James Wilson, 86, London Airport (32 years)
Leon T M Withycombe, 80
Iris Lillian Wootten, 80
Dennis Wyatt, 95, West London Terminal (15 years)
Also in this issue

First quarter results bounce back
Exxon Mobil Corporation announced estimated first quarter 2021 earnings of $2.7 billion, marking a return to profitability after a difficult year in 2020, when losses of $610 million were posted in the same period due to impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this latest quarter, oil-equivalent production was 3.8 million barrels per day, up 3 per cent from the fourth quarter of 2020.

Loving life in Fife
Jason Felder is one of 30 overseas visitors from ExxonMobil sites around the world who are bringing their highly specialised expertise to Fife Ethylene Plant’s £140m upgrade. And they are also helping to give a boost to the local economy as they and their families enjoy life in Fife.
Gender pay gap continues to close
Our 2020 UK gender pay gap figures, published this month, show we have continued to make progress in closing the gender pay gap at ExxonMobil in the UK, with a median gender pay gap of 6.8 percent for ExxonMobil companies in the UK, down from 7.1 percent in 2019, and well below the 2020 UK national average of 15.5 percent
Give the world a shot
Like many people during lockdown, ExxonMobil annuitant Pauline Element was bored and unable to see her grandchildren. But after listening to the World Health Organisation and reading about the need for vaccines in the developing world, Pauline decided to act and make a difference.